In addition to our conventional developmental activities with our various partners, we also produce eco-friendly and organic tribal products consisting of honey and vinegar. We do this through Maikal Hills Natural Products Company(MHNPC). The company, set up and registered in 2005, is a non-profit organization that empowers the Bhil and Gond community by giving them access to livelihood options and establishing both forward and backward linkages, linking them with the companies and FPOs at the apex level.

We, at CARD, act as a key facilitator of community development work in the rural areas across several states, acting as an intermediary between residents, the government, and major private corporations. Through our support and welfare initiatives, working with other partners, we have been a trusted grassroots organization with strong relationships that knows the rural populations' priorities and needs. With our community development initiatives, we aim to bring about marginalized and rural communities' social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being. Most of our efforts pertaining to this involve studying new approaches and developing innovative ways to implement them, and monitor the communities' progress. We evaluate the success of the programs by gathering qualitative and quantitative data and using the data to measure changes from the baseline measurements. Please have a look at some of our past initiatives!

Integrated Watershed Management Programme (IWMP) : Ujjain and Dindori
The main objective of IWMP is to restore ecological balance by harnessing, conserving and developing degraded natural resources such as soil, vegetative cover and water to prevent soil run-off, regenerate natural vegetation and recharge ground water table. IWMP enables multi-cropping and the introduction of diverse agro-based activities, helping people residing in the watershed area with sustainable livelihoods.
In Ujjain, we are the IWMP PIA for 09 villages, covering a total area of 5850 hectares and at Dindori, we are the IWMP PIA for 04 villages, covering 5060 hectares of area. Both the projects involved expenditure of about 1300 Lakhs rupees.

NABARD TDF (Tribal Development Fund) Wadi Project
Partnering with NABARD, CARD implemented the TDF (Tribal Development Fund) Wadi Project in 10 villages of Nalchha Block of Dhar District from 2013-2018. To achieve income generation of tribal farmers through horticulture & vegetable cultivation, we established 233 Wadi’s in 6 villages.
Each Wadi has been made in 1 acre land out of which 10 percent area is reserved for Mandva system (spice and vegetable cultivation) and in the remaining land 44 horticulture plants (grafted Mango and Guava) have been planted, with 20 teak saplings for border plantation.
Farmers have taken advantage of Mandva System and intercropping techniques for immediate extra income, earning Rs 10000 to Rs 15000/ month through sale of vegetables and spices. Through our trainings and practical demonstrations we have ensured a plant survival of 70 % in the wadis( Orchards).

Fostering Self Governance for
Resource Management
LOK MAANDI – people’s platform for voicing their concern was established under DFID supported initiative of Poorest Areas Civil Societies (PACS). Initially, the organization concentrated its efforts in 30 villages of Ghughari block of Mandla distt. to empower the local communities to realize their access to entitlements. The primary objectives were:
Organize tribals into Self Help Groups enabling their sustainable functioning.
Enable the rural communities to realize the powers of Gram-Sabha.
Empower people to conduct social audit of the development activities.
Ensure participatory planning and decision-making process
The objectives were achieved by building awareness, mobilizing women, implementing citizen’s charter and participatory micro-planning.

Developing a network of Mahila Sawrojgaris from existing Women Thrift Cooperatives
CARD-NDDB Women Thrift and Credit Project (WTCP), initiated in 2000, was implemented in 73 villages of the Malwa Region and involved the formation of 73 village level women groups (one group at each village level).The main objective of the project was to establish viable, vibrant, replicable thrift co-operatives of women in areas covered by dairy co-operatives.
Eight WTCs out of total 73 WTCs were registered under M.P. Self Reliant Co-operatives Act, 1999. NDDB had decided to withdraw and hand over the task to another agency in the region with a vision to carry forward with innovation for sustenance. The groups were, therefore handed over to CARD. We decided to strengthen these groups first by initiating Capacity-building inputs and later on to initiate the Micro Enterprise and Micro Finance activities among these groups. CARD has formalized some of these groups, in developing linkages with various developmental agencies and also facilitating long term and short-term capacity building interventions.

Tejaswani Programme for
Women Empowerment
Tejaswani rural women empowerment Programme aims at empowering poor women to make use of the economic, social and political opportunities for enhancing their well- beings. CARD in association with Madhya Pradesh Mahila Vitta Evam Vikas Nigam/ Tejeswani has been working in 2 locations, Padmi and Mandla in M.P. Targeting about 16000 households in 91 villages in 20 village clusters the programme covered over 5300 households through 436 SHGs, formed 71 VLCs and opened accounts for 274 groups achieving savings of more than Rs 25 lakh.
CARD working through this project has established linkages with state level schemes of; Indira Awas Yojna Training on Stitching, Organic farming & Soya Processing, Ladli Laxmi Yojna, SRI and Vegetable Cultivation, Plantation, Kapildhara/, Mulberry-Training, sewing machine distribution, etc.

Million Soul's Programme-
Enriching Rural Lives
CARD has been a driver of ‘Right to Education’ by ensuring that rural children in eastern and western MP in Dhar & Mandla distts have access to a study light in the evening in-spite of long power cuts and power outages. Joining hands with IIT Bombay , CARD distributed a total of 1,21,254 lamps ,75,754 lamps in the Western region and 45,500 Lamps in the Eastern Region, thus making a total contribution of 1,21,254 lamps out of 1 million national target. Although, the lamps cost Rs 500/- each, they were distributed at a subsidized cost of Rs. 120/- each, with the balance being borne by funding agencies like: the National Clean Energy Fund (NCEF), MNRE and other philanthropic organizations such as Tata Trust as wells as by the state governments. Besides helping the students in their studies, the lamps also provided lighting to the respective houses of stakeholders and increased awareness towards the use of ‘non-conventional energy’. CARD also repaired and serviced the lamps so as to cover the warranty period of one year thus building confidence in this ‘Non-Conventional Energy ‘device.

Farmer Support Programme in Responsible Soya (SOLIDARIDAD)
Through Farmer Support Programme with Solidaridad Network in Responsible Soya, we have covered 9000 farming households in 5 districts of Malwa region viz Ujjain, Dewas, Shajapur (Agar), Dhar and Jhabua and Trained a total of 6853 farmers, organized over 2000 demonstrations on different cropping techniques and formed a total of 354 Farmers’ Interest Groups. The project initiatives include demonstrations of improved agronomic practices, trainings, Exposure visits, awareness camps, scientist interaction, pear review meetings of producers on RTRS principles and GAP including Social, environmental, labour, gender issues, etc.

Distt. Poverty Initiative Projects
Nava Anjor : Chhattisgarh
The DPIP was an ambitious government project aimed at combating poverty through empowering the people and improving the governance through the formation of Common Interest Groups (CIGs) among rural women and the tribals. The DPIP in Nava Anjor was implemented as a major poverty alleviation initiative in 2000 Gram Panchayats in 40 blocks of 16 Districts of Chhattisgarh. CARD, which played the lead role of sensitizing and orienting the project staff (govt and NGO), functioned as the Project Facilitation Team during 2005-10. CARD facilitated the formation of Community Interest Groups (CIGs) in 25 Panchayats of Dhamtari District. The programme was implemented by making social & economic investments in villages in community driven & need based manner. We facilitated more than 200 CIGs & formed a farmer’s group irrigation scheme, ensuring irrigation of more than 400 hectares through community electric pumps.

Integrated Agriculture Development
CARD has been associated with ATMA project implemented by Department of Farmers Welfare and Agriculture Development, Government of Madhya Pradesh since June, 2009. “Farmers’ Field School”- one the most effective extension programme offering community–based, non-formal education to groups of 20-25 farmers. CARD has been implementing ATMA project in 30 villages of 6 districts of M.P, establishing 1-2 FFSs in each selected block. We provided front line demonstration to farmers in terms of agriculture land, and usage of new and updated package of practices and new technologies for sustainable crop production. In addition workshops like Achievers Farmer Training were also carried out to update the information and knowledge of trainers on crop management for frontline farm demonstrations.

Under the Mahila Kisan Sashkatikaran Pariyojna, an ambitious pilot project of NRLM, 4500 woman farmers were empowered in diversified farming activities from 92 Villages of Mandla & Dindori Districts during 2011-2014. The project aimed at building capacities of the women farmers by creating a cadre of 500 strong Community Resource Persons (CRPs).

Fit For School -Wash
Institutionalizing Hand Washing with Soap in Schools in Shivpuri District with UNICEF- 2013-14
When Madhya Pradesh was selected as one of the three states selected for piloting the Fit for School project in India, CARD was chosen as the implementation partner with a role of testing the concept in 50 schools to demonstrate the early results and contribute to developing the template for scaling up the initiative to the state/national level. To achieve the above, 50 Schools and one Hostel and one Ashram of different villages of Shivpuri District were identified and efforts were made to generate awareness towards hygiene among the school children, teachers, and school management committee members.

Child Fund India Project
Addressing Draught by Natural Resources Management through Community Initiatives for Secured Childhood in Dhar District (tribal Bhil) of Western Madhya Pradesh
Secured Childhood through Community Initiatives- a long term Child Development Programme is being implemented by CARD in 49 villages of 3 locations of Dhar & Jhabua districts. The programme aims at child centered total development through sponsorship of around 1473 children/households and is intended on one hand total development of the local children and long term drought proofing of the region on the other. CARD has been the Lead Partner among all the three partners of CF(I) project in Madhya Pradesh and as the lead partner undertook the lead for Livelihood theme under life stage program of Child Fund India.

SILF Project
The Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation (SILF) , New Delhi is an associate of the Nippon Foundation which worked with WHO and with national government in developing the cure (MDT medicine) of leprosy and ensuring free availability of drugs to the remote corners of the world. CARD implemented the livelihood enhancement project in Anandnagar and Khanpur leprosy colonies from April 2015. The main objective of the project was to ensure sustainable livelihood for leprosy effected families. CARD's team was involved in the initiative from beginning to end, i.e from baseline survey, SWOT analysis to the implementation of the development plan.

Maikalsutta Eco Friendly Natural Honey Federation
Fostering tribal communities for livelihood promotion through eco-friendly honey harvesting in the forest habitations of Mandla Distt. Madhya Pradesh
CARD has been organizing traditional tribal (non-tribals also) honey hunters into Self Help Groups, to upgrade their skills, arranging modern hygienic procurement and processing facilities, and to provide value addition by introducing quality control, packaging, branding, certification and establishment of marketing linkages. To formalise the SHGs , a loosely knit tribal honey hunter’s federation was established in the name of Maikalsutta. The members (22 groups) after getting trained in non-destructive eco-friendly honey harvesting techniques have been able to achieve an average annual sale of 5 tons, worth Rs. 6 Lakhs

Maha-kaushal Diversified farming system (SDTT)
Enhancing Quality Living and Integrated Development through Diversified Farm Management in Mahakaushal Region (Phase-I&II)
Mandla district being was a predominantly tribal with large populations of Gonds and Baigas who are known for their traditional cultivation practices that are far cry from modern appropriate technologies and market severely restricting the agricultural development of the district. The issues of farm sector allied activities were also need to be addressed in order to meet the objective of agriculture development. With this broad objective in mind the proposal of SDTT supported diversified farming techniques in Mahakaushal region was undertaken. CARD working in phase I and phase II, made 40 FFS ( Farmer Field Schools) and conducted 8791 demos, completed including convergence. Additionally 66 VLCs actively participated in the promotion of all programs, positively impacting more than 5000 farmers.

WWW - Wise Water Management
Review and strengthening of Wise Water Management and Capacity Enhancement of state of Madhya Pradesh to improve water security in tribal residential schools with UNICEF.
UNICEF WASH’s programme is supporting the Flagship programme on water, sanitation and hygiene in ensuring equitable and sustainable access to and use of safe water and basic sanitation services with particular emphasis on socially excluded groups. Therefore UNICEF implemented the WWM design in 21 tribal residential schools and in addition to construction work, CARD was involved in preparing a training manual capturing the operation & maintenance component developed in workshops for these residential schools.

AWM - Agricultural Water Management
The Ag-Water Solutions Project was initiated to improve the livelihoods of poor and marginalized small holder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia through agricultural water management (AWM) solutions, assessing where and how agricultural water management (AWM) can improve rural livelihoods and reduce poverty particularly in 5 African countries and two Indian states (West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh).Through AWM Solutions materials, CARD has shared information with Panchayats. Additionally, awareness-raising activities encouraged farmers to construct field bunds or farm ponds at the local level. Regular village-level meetings were also organized in villages in Ujjain (50), Dhar (30), Mahu (10) and Mandla (50) and field visits of selected farmers were also organized to Dewas’ Rewa Sagars. A documentary (a film in Hindi language) has also been prepared locally on AWM for dissemination in the state.

Towards Health and Dignity
Towards Health and Dignity -Improving Water Sanitation & Hygiene in Madhya Pradesh through the promotion of Swach Bharat Abhiyaan
Mission Swachh Bharat’ (clean India) launched on October 2, with Mahatma Gandhi as the inspiration, to create a clean India of his dreams by 2019 on his 150th birth anniversary. The Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation prepared a note on the Swachh Bharat Mission to achieve 100% access to sanitation for all rural households by 2022. Hence MP wash program was launched and is active in 16 districts of the state to ensure clean drinking water, zero open defecation, personal hygiene, clean villages and health education. Under WASH Awareness Program, CARD was chosen as an implementation partner of lead organization WaterAid. CARD is working on WASH program since August 2014 in both Chhatarpur and Damoh district for infusing awareness of washing hands with soap in critical times i.e. before eating, after defecating, before preparing and serving food as the key theme of the project. In villages through Triggering Exercise, animators oriented the school children, teachers, anganwadi centre workers to best hygiene practices

PIM Program including WUA
ADB-CIDP supported PIM program including Water User Association Strengthening
The overall goal of Chhattisgarh Irrigation Development Project (CIDP) was to improve rural livelihood and reduce rural poverty through improved irrigation service delivery, enhanced agricultural practices, and strengthened water resource management to increase the productivity of irrigated agriculture in the state. The main components of the project were: Strengthening water resources department; Participatory Irrigation Management; Rehabilitation and Upgrading of Irrigation Systems, and Agricultural Support Services for approximately 155 minor schemes and 20 medium schemes, covering a total of about 200,000 ha. CIDP was implemented by the Chhattisgarh Water Resources Department, WRD. A Project Management Unit, PMU, was established in WRD at Raipur to assume overall responsibility including the NGO activity

Census With Selectivity (2011)
A bold step was taken by the ORGI in support with UNICEF by extending participation to the Civil Society to assist with the task of capacity enhancement of the functionaries through a participatory manner. A National alliance was established between NGOs and training facilitators to assist with the CENSUS 2011. The national alliance was supported by 6 Lead NGOs for 6 clusters of all the States and for the states of MP and Chhattisgarh, CARD was the NGO partner of Sparsh the lead NGO in MP.
A pool of 90 National Facilitators (45 each by NA and ORGI) and a larger pool of 725 Master Trainer Facilitators (MTFs)- 375 from NA and 350 from ORGI helped train a pool of 54,000 Master Trainers (MTs) who eventually provided training support to the enumerators. The MTs would finally train the enumerators (27 lakh) and the MTs were trained by the Master Trainer Facilitators (MTFs).
The State Partner NGO- CARD Provided 5 National Trainers and 35 Master Trainer facilitators through the program.

Pro Poor Livestock Sector Review & Policy Development Process
CARD supported Livestock Sector Review and Policy Development Process under SDC-IC-CALPI Programme in Chhattisgarh state (all districts). The policy development initiative focused on Capacity Development in Human and Institutional Development by Training and Exposure with particular emphasis on key stakeholders who were participants in the Sector Review and Policy Development process. The assignment aimed at producing Sector study/ Situation analysis of the Livestock Sector in Chhattisgarh and Development of a Perspective Livestock Development plan along with the new Policy Document.
CALPI a programme of IC in India, funded by SDC, collaborated with the State Government of Chhattisgarh to develop a pro- poor livestock policy. In order to achieve this CALPI along with local coordinating agency CARD, mounted a well-planned strategy for policy formulation.
The sensing mission that was fielded at the onset found that in order for the policy to be workable, the administrative capacity of the veterinary professionals needed much improvement. A draft roadmap was developed that entailed support to the AHD for (i) capacity development plan focusing on sensitization of stakeholders through trainings and exposures as a prelude to policy making and (ii) livestock sector review that would form the basis of policy draft. The ‘Chhattisgarh Livestock Development & Breeding Policy’ has gained approval in a specially convened meeting of the State Cabinet on 27 September 08.